Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chase First Class Scout

Chase recieving his First Class Scout Rank and pinning the mothers pin on me in September.

After the boys recieve their First Class Rank, Grandpa Larson buys the boys a 4 wheeler or dirt bike as their reward for work well done. One requirement is that they have to earn it by the time they are 12 years old. CONGRATULATIONS CHASE!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Motorbike Riding

Every year around the end of August and first part of September we get to work on the dirtbikes. This means, changing tires, checking oil, checking chains, sprockets, etc. Yep, preprations for the Big Nasty Hillclimb in New Plymouth, Idaho. It is a 3 day weekend event which starts Friday night with the little bikes, meaning the 50 cc bikes up to the 125 cc bikes. Then if you aren't brave enough to camp overnight it means up bright and early on Saturday and driving back over for the qualifing of the pros for Sundays events, then Saturday night under the lights the rest of the trophy classes. So after a long day of walking around in the middle of a cow pasture getting fun food like Nasty Nachos, grilled corn on the cob, and don't forget the Shaved Ice, its home to take a well needed shower. Sunday brings on a whole new day of fun, the Pro bikes and the King of the Hill. Friday night Chase and Baylie and thier cousin Chaney did their best attempts at climbing the trophy hill. Baylie rode her bike first, she was the only girl in her class of about 17 riders, she places 11th. She also got to ride the 65 KTM which happens to be Stetsons old bike that he rode the first time he did the Hill climb before his accident. Loney changed the clutching on her bike so she would have to clutch and shift at the same time. Then came Chase, He is riding Stetsons old bike the 85 KTM. He placed 15th out of 20 riders. Neither of them won a trophy but they both did excellent at their attempts on the hill. Saturday night Loney and his brother Oliver were up to attempt their climbs. Loney placed 54 out of 67 riders, however his ride was better than than plus the fact that Mike Metzger and his buddies all rode in that class and had souped up bikes and they took the top 5 or so spots. Not fair if you ask me???? Anyways we don't go for the competition we just go to have fun!!! All and all we had a great year at the Big Nasty and plan to do it again next year. I think this is our 4th or 5th year doing this. It has turned into a family tradition. Maybe next year Loney will even attempt the "BIG" hill. That is if he has good life insurance and I am ready to deal with injuries. Who knows we will see I guess.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baylie 3rd grade Pioneer Elementary
Chase 6th grade Ontario Middle School

Stetson 9th grade Ontario High School

baylie is loving elementry school and is determined not to get a bad behavior slip this year.
Stetson LOVES!!!!! High School "Oh the Freedom" He is really liking Algebra "I actually get it, It isn't me it was the teacher last year!!!"
Chase is loving middle school and has decided he wants to play the Saxaphone. Ear plugs anyone????

Baylie and her puppy Missy. Loney told Boo that if she was to find a good home for Pepe the Parrot that we would get her a puppy. So he finally delivered. She is a pure bred Golden Lab. She is a very smart puppy and Baylie is very good with her especially when i threaten to give her to someone who really wants her and will take care of her. I am of course stuck baby sitting her or should I say Puppy Sitting while the kids are at school.

Stetson was diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation Type 1 in July. Surgery was needed to take care of the fluid that was being forced into his spinal cord. Surgery was on Aug. 3 and went really good. The doctor ended up not doing everything they were planning on because when they got in and did the bone decompression the fluid started flowing and doing what it was supposed to do so the doctor decided not to open up and do everything. With that being said it made the recovery easier (supposedly) and didn't make him susseptable to chemical menangitis or other complications. He did very well and has made a good recovery a followup with the doctor on the 3rd will tell us more but he will have to have another MRI in 3 to 6 months to see if this did what it was supposed to do.
Before the surgery the doctor asked stetson if he had any questions. Dumb question on his part. Yeah, Stetson said, "Can you video tape the surgery?" and "Can you save some of the bone for me?" So the doctor saved him a piece of his skull and a piece of the neck bone that he cut out. Plus he video taped the surgery it was narrated too but the sound didn't come through.
Stetson was in the hospital from Monday to Saturday. He has come home and started High School. He is also completely off of any medication for pain.

Toys for Comfort

Stetson 2 years ago after his accident wanted to do something for the Childrens hospital in Boise. So he decided to do a toy drive so that the kids in the hospital would have toys to pick from for their birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays. We collected 600 plus toys that year. We didn't do it last year due to a surgery and some other things that came up but we definitly are doing it this year. Our favorite Arena Football team helped us out this year. At the final game the team played which was also the first playoff game that our team made it to, we did a kickoff. It wasn't advertised real well so the turn out wasn't great for the toys but we did get some, and as I told the kids, "Some is better than None". I think we got 12 or so to start off with. Thank You to The Boise Burn for their help.
On another note, Stetson was invited to attend a teen panel at the hospital for the designing of the Teen Room. The teen room was a vision of one of the patients that the hospital had. He past away last year. On the panel was this young mans brother and several of his friends. Stetson was invited because of his personality and because they thought that he could help with some ideas of what they could do. The teen room will be completed in a few months.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stetson checking out one of the trains at the museum
Chases favorite gun at the Browning Gun Museum

Loney and my Dad getting a history lesson on some guns!!!

Kids up next to a Caboose at the Train Museum

Bay and Chase trying the Handcar
Chase trying his hand at the switchboard

toys stetson bought with his own money

toys bought with money donated from Grandma Larson and Dennis

alex and Kaley help with the toys donated

delivering the toys to St. Lukes Childrens Hospital

Chases latest creation

Chase built a C130 out of Knex.

showing the back drop hatch

front side view

loading the personal carrier