Tuesday, April 8, 2008


In January Chase with the help of his dad at the last minute built a pinewood derby car. This was the last year either of the boys would be participating in the pinewood derby, so Loney really wanted this car to win. It was built as a replica of Loneys White Chevy Silverado. It was down to the last race for 1st and 2nd place which was between Chase and his best friend Wyatt. The two dads waited down at the finish line as the two cars passed and it was then that Chase won first place.

1 comment:

aironn said...

We had our first taste of Pinewood Derby Fever here this year and it will continue for the next ten years at least. I had no idea how excited Gary and Tom could be about sanding a block of wood! Congrats to Chase!

toys stetson bought with his own money

toys bought with money donated from Grandma Larson and Dennis

alex and Kaley help with the toys donated

delivering the toys to St. Lukes Childrens Hospital

Chases latest creation

Chase built a C130 out of Knex.

showing the back drop hatch

front side view

loading the personal carrier